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Coastal Wetlands Investments

The data displayed on this map were provided by:

Click here to accept the guidelines below and to proceed to the Investments map

Guidelines for map use:

This map allows users to view investments in protection, restoration, and enhancement projects across the Great Lakes basin. This is not a comprehensive inventory of coastal wetland investments and relevant data sets will continue to be incorporated as they are identified. Please click on the logos above for more information on individual data sets.

A more detailed description of using the interactive mapping tools, a summary of project classification and location precision, and a list of layer sources can be found accompanying the map on the next page. When using these data sets, please credit the original data providers listed below.


Particular thanks go to the following entities for providing data sets that make this work possible:

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Via the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) web map

Office of the Great Lakes (OGL), Michigan Coastal Management Program
Via the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) web map

Wisconsin Coastal Management Program
Via their grants web map